Sunday, January 27, 2008

URGENT PRAYER REQUEST, My friend has been kidnapped!

My friend and former co-worker, CYD MIZELL, has been kidnapped in Kandahar, Afghanistan. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pray for she and her driver. They were kidnapped early Saturday morning. No one has claimed responsibility for the kidnapping. Cyd and I worked together for 5 years. She always has a smile on her face. I just pray for peace over her now and pray for their safe return! PLEASE extend this prayer request to your churches, bible study groups, MOP groups and everyone you know that will lift a prayer for Cyd and her driver. Her driver has 5 children. Cyd will turn 50 next month. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pray for my friend! You should hear this woman sing and play the piano... she's like an angel!

I really appreciate your prayers! Thank you!


Alexis Jacobs said...

I read about this today on the Christian Science Monitor. So horrible!! She will be in my prayers.

Brian and Karen said...

Lisa - I got your note and I am praying for your friend, her driver, and their families. I also saw a news clip last night on Fox News. I am praying constantly.


ps - Hope to see you soon. Hope all is well with the little ones. :)

laura said...


just found this out on another friend's blog. found your blog through googling about Cyd and any blogs about her. You probably don't remember me - but I worked over in Richmond also - Laura (Kumpe) Sadikoglu

Victoria Martin said...

oh wow, how scart! prayers for sure!