Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy New Year!

I know I'm a bit late... so. I've been a little busy, maybe. Today, Mia turned 4 weeks old! I just can't believe how fast time is flying by! She's such a little sweetie pie! She's been sick with a cold for 2 weeks. Poor little angel. She seems to be getting over it now, breathing much better. She's beginning to grow out of her newborn clothes and has been out of newborn diapers for a while now. She's an absolute pleasure.

Maegan has been back at school for 2 weeks now. And guess what??? She has learned and memorized her address and recited it at school. She was given a certificate of recognition for knowing her address and she was allowed to put a house up on the wall in her classroom at school. She told me that she chose a house with a purple door on it... because that is her favorite color. That's my princess! :D She started back at ballet today and will be signed up for Spring Soccer soon. She's a busy little girl!

Then my little prince... he's just so sweet. I've started picking him up, even though I'm not supposed to be holding him yet... I can't not hold him. He looks at me with those gigantic baby blue eyes and I melt. I completely fold. And then he opens his mouth and says "Up, peas" (up, please)... and well, who can resist that??? huh? Tell me!? Could YOU resist that? NO, you couldn't, seriously... you couldn't. It's just something about his little voice and big eyes... you just have to pick him up!

So, I've done a few days all by myself now. It's not too bad. And when we go places... I do alright! It's not super easy, because Wils is still so little, but he's very independent so it helps! I love having my three babies. I wouldn't mind having one more added to the mix... but that remains to be seen.

Next month Mr. Perfect heads out for an 8 day trip to Thailand. I'm a little nervous about that. His mom said she was going to come out and help me while he was gone. It would be her first time meeting Mia. I was actually beginning to look forward to it. And then... I sent her an email and got NO response... which leads me to believe she has changed her mind. I don't think we have even heard from Mr. Perfect's parents since New Year's Eve! hmm... that's interesting. His brother called tonight, and I just realized I forgot to tell him. I was putting the kids to bed when he called, so I didn't talk to him, and he didn't leave a message... Just saw his number on the caller id. Anyway, so my parents have said for me to bring the babies to their house and live with them while he is away on his trip. *sigh* I LOVE being with my parents, but their house isn't so great for the kids, it drives my mom crazy when they make the house messy (which they always do)... I'd rather be at my own home... but honestly, by night time, I need another adult around or I go out of my mind... SO it looks like I'll be moving in to their house for a week. Gotta do what we gotta do! And I will be so appreciative of their help at night. I'm NOT looking forward to him going on this trip. He has to fly 17 hours by himself, he hates flying. I'd feel sorry for him, but he's going to Thailand... that's the region that I used to work with, and I've never been and now HE gets to go??? I'm envious, except not of the plane ride... Have fun with that... HA! Flying sucks.

Well, Miss Mia is ready for late night snack and bed! Woohoo! Good night all, sleep tight!


Alexis Jacobs said...

Sounds like you are settling in nicely as a mom of three:) Where in Thailand is Matt going? You know we leave in just 80 days! Whooo hoooo!!

Michelle said...

So glad to hear you are settling into life with three kiddos! :)

Good luck while hubby is away traveling. That is never any fun.

Unknown said...

Don't be envious. At least I wouldn't be. I am so not envious of Neil going to China AT ALL. Dreading it big time. I already feel anxious and panicked. He leaves Friday. Glad the babies are all doing so well. I can't believe Mia is 4 wks now, too. She's really growing. I want new pictures!!!!