Friday, November 09, 2007

Random Calendar as it pops in my head...

I'm just trying to get my head about me, for what's to come in the next few weeks, so pardon me while I randomly go through my calendar of events up until the birth of the baby.

11/9 Daddy's birthday/Dinner
11/10 Kelly's baby shower
11/11 Bethlehem Baptist to hear Adam play
Maegan and Matt to Gingerbread Festival
11/13-15 Snack for Maegan's class
Maegan's ballet class
11/16 together with Court and Dani
11/17 outing with Jeni
11/18 Grandma's 80th birthday party
11/19 Grandma's birthday
11/20 13 items to "taste" for Maegan's class
11/21 Maegan's Thanksgiving Feast at school
NST-Dr. Appointment
11/22 Thanksgiving
11/23 Annual Trip to the mountains
11/24-25 Rearrange house, set up nursery
11/27-29 Maegan School
11/28 Ultrasound/Dr. Appointment
11/29 Maegan Ballet (need to find a ride to and from)
Sister Hazel Concert in DC
11/30 I know something is planned, just can't remember
12/1 Christmas Parade!!!
12/4-6 Maegan School (12/6 Santa Tea)
12/6 NST and Dr. Appointment
12/8 Christmas Open House at our house
12/9 Christmas Music at Derbyshire
12/11-13 Maegan School (12/13 Maegan Xmas party and Ballet open house)
12/12- pre-op appointment
12/13- C/S @ 12:30 Debby and Matt to be in OR

OK, do you see how LITTLE time I have to get CHRISTMAS SHOPPING DONE??? When am I supposed to wrap everything? OK, I'm feeling just a smidge overwhelmed at the moment. Holy crap. I know it will all get one, I just need to get down to business. I am working today, and I need to fit at least one more work day in before this child is born! WOW, it's just REALLY overwhelming!!! Five weeks goes by FAST when nearly everyday there is SOMETHING going on! And after the baby comes, you can forget me getting ANYTHING for Christmas Accomplished!!! OH and I have to find a day/night to get dozens of cookies made for Maegan's school and for the doctors and nurses AND to put in the freezer so I'll have something to contribute on Christmas Eve at my mom's house!

Thankfully, their Christmas Outfits will be ordered TOMORROW, so that is one worry off of my chest. I'm so excited about their little outfits. They are all getting matching outfits from Strasburg Children! OH and right now, spend $50 and get FREE SHIPPING, OK I'm ALL over that!

OK, now that I'm overwhelmed, I need to get ready for work! Have a good one! :D


Michelle said...

Wow! Crazy lives we live, huh? You are so right, 5 weeks will fly by, especially with a social calendar like yours!!

Good luck getting everything done--and, I hope that your last five weeks are comfortable, productive and, well, as enjoyable as possible!

Alexis Jacobs said...

What a crazy next few weeks you have. Good luck!