Monday, November 12, 2007

My guilty pleasure...

OMG, I love watching THE HILLS! Hahaha, I can't believe that I actually allow myself to watch it. BUT I'm fascinated by it, honestly! It just amazes me how petty their lives are, and yet how amazing their lives are at the same time. I'm just wondering HOW Heidi has the job she has, she seems like such a ditz... and what's up with Spencer? He seems to really want to alienate Heidi and she just allows it. I'm almost sad for her. She apparently doesn't think enough about herself to realize that he's treating her like crap. And that guy, Justin Bobby, does anyone else think he's on some major drugs? WOW! Spaced out would be the only way to describe him.

Anyway, I just love the fashion and the trips to NYC and VEGAS, and the music scene and all that good stuff... in antoher life, I'd have been part of all of that scene. Hahaha!

SO, anyone else have a guilty pleasure?


Alexis Jacobs said...

Never seen the hills. Maybe I should check it out. Mine would be reality tv.

LiLi said...

The Hills is a reality show (or supposedly is) on MTV on Monday nights at 10pm. I love it!!!