Wednesday, November 14, 2007

11 years... call me petty...

This NYE would be our 12th New Years Eve together... Me and Mr. Perfect, that is. BUT, we won't be spending this one together. It will be our third child's 1st NYE. I'm bummed. That's putting it mildly. Call me PETTY I don't care. I'm hormonal, I have an excuse. I'm 9 months pregnant. See, I have an excuse. I'm sentimental. ANOTHER excuse. I just wonder what he'll be doing on NYE. Will everyone be drunk? Will the Princess be allowed to be awake until midnight? Will anyone be paying attention to her? Will people be smoking around her? Will she be missing her mommy? Will they have even made it through the mountain passages to get to the ski resort? Will I even speak to them? (Probably not, don't want to cry for NYE) Will they be safe?

I hate this plan. I was OK with it up until I realized how young the new baby will be, and how expensive the plane tickets are when we can't even afford a crib and dresser for the new baby. The idea sounded a lot better when they were flying INTO Montana... but now they are flying into Washington, and then driving from Idaho to Montana... yes, that means they will be DRIVING THROUGH THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS DURING WINTER... my sweet beautiful baby girl will be in the care of someone else driving through what could be dangerous mountain passages. And not only are they driving OUT to Montana, but then they have to drive BACK again. I'm just thinking this is NOT a good idea... but who am I to say anything. Just a wife and a parent, new mother to a newborn, a woman recovering from major surgery. Call me selfish, petty, whatever you want. These are just my feelings and I a entitled.

Mr. Perfect will be taking a 2 week business trip to Thailand at the end of February. I guess new baby just should realize that when you come third, it's just not as important. You know, it's old hat now... newborns and all. Seen one, seen them all, I guess. (not my mentality, but seems to be the mentality of some I know) NOW, I can understand the business trip, you know, you want to keep your job so that the family can be cared for... but the other trip is just a frivolity at this point, especially when we are driving out to see the family in June.

Then again, I get to see my family almost everyday... so maybe I take it for granted. But I would hope my family, if in the same situation, would tell me, You need to be home with your family and new baby at the holidays. I would hope they'd understand the financial hardship. AND I would hope they would realize that taking this trip, could jeopardize the trip later in the year, due to finances. OH well... Maybe I just don't understand. But I'm still not happy about it!

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