Thursday, May 06, 2010

HauteLook -- for real

SO, if you love to shop, like I do... but you are on a budget... like I am... I just wanted to share this little website with you! you have to be invited to go to the site, so consider this your personal invitation! They have great sales... not all sales are equal though, so pay close attention! ie: Danskos sale was no better than the Danskos Outlet... but do your research! You can sometimes find wedding gifts for people for amazing prices! Or buy something for yourself... Just check it out and see if you might find a deal on something you've wanted for a long time. I belong to several of these... including some children only ones-- which The MiniSocial is my FAVORITE, so if you want to be included on any of those, just leave me a comment and I'll get you the details... On MiniSocial, I was able to get Maegs two pair of CUTE (not seen in stores around here) Crocs-- she's been wanting them for ages, but I didn't want to get her the regular ones... I was hoping to find some more feminine... and I did, FOR $10 vs. the $30+ you find the regular ones in the store for!!! WooHoo!

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