Thursday, September 18, 2008

Things I Want

This is not one of those entries, where I talk about things that would make me happy, or what have you... This is straight up, a material wants post. I'm putting in writing my wants. They are wants, not needs, so they aren't earth shattering. They aren't super important. They are just what I state they are... WANTS! They are in no particular order of importance. These are just things I desire, and I'm just blogging about them, well because I WANT to! heehee SO, here's my list...

new mailbox (black metal w/ little red flag, pull tray inside that slides)
new mailbox post (white, would prefer one with a little cubby just under the mailbox for neighborhood information that gets dropped off from time to time)
new house numbers on the porch
new black shutters (vinyl would be nice)
new storm door for back door
new storm door for front door
kitchen fan replaced
new kitchen light remounted
new kitchen sink and faucet
new counter tops
cabinetry installed in utility room
new vanity tops and sinks in both bathrooms
new bathroom mirrors
new bathroom fixtures
new bathroom faucets (including sink and baths)
new bathroom floors (ceramic tile)
new carpet for stairs and upstairs
all wood floors refinished
renew the gas contract for my gas logs
new room size rug (Persian or Oriental type) for living room
new covers on my kitchen seat cushions
newly painted kitchen
new bedroom furniture for Wils and Maegan (double bunk beds and big dressers with mirrors)
new living room furniture (L shaped sofa with ottoman/cocktail table, club chairs with a chess table for bay window, new amoire with retractable doors... large enough for our tv)
new washer and dryer (front loading/energy efficient)
microwave over stove
kitchen island with storage
professional landscaping
Gift cards to Lowes and Value City furniture!!! (LOL)

eyebrows waxed
hair shaped up (maybe a touch of color?)
some new clothes
a gym membership
a pedicure
a facial (at Red Door)
Starfish book by Jett Beres and Ken Block
some cute new clothes
some new fun shoes
some good smelling bath gels! (Vickies or BBW-- I'm all OUT!)
some new make up
a cute handbag and a cute make up clutch (Kate Spade, Coach, Michael Kors, etc.)
some new clothes -- that actually look nice on me
gastric bypass ... NO really I don't, I'd rather the gym membership!
membership to Weight Watchers (aka The Fat Farm)
a full night of sleep
a Disney vacation
a Wii FIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and some new clothes and shoes and a handbag or two and some sunglasses
Gift Certs to Target, Prime Outlets, Old, etc.

new Dr. Martens for Wils
new Tretorns for Maegan
new Nikes for Wils
a fall wardrobe for Mia
Robeez shoes for Mia
some cute coordinating leggings and tunics for Maegan for school
some nice polos (long and short sleeved) for Wils, Maegan and Mia
Winter coats for all three
Snow gear for all three
A trip to DISNEY
a drum kit for Maegan and Wils (both of whom are extremely interested in instruments)
new bedroom decor for Wils and Maegan... and them to finally have their OWN rooms... bye bye playroom!
an organized spot for all of their toys
a new carseat for Mia (Britax Marathon Olivia)

a mini cooper
an epiphany to clean out his drawers and such of clothes he's likely never to wear again
an epiphany to clean out his car
an organizer for the shed so the bikes can be hung up, so all sporting equipment can be hung up, so all beach chairs can be hung up, a place for all beach accessories to be stored, a golf bench for his clubs and accessories, and floor space for lawn tools, and a new power cord so we can mow the grass and trim the weeds! (You get me the power cord, Matty, I'll mow, it's FUN! -- except you have to mow by the shed, I'm scared of snakes being in the ivy!)

And well... there you have it, a pretty big representation of all of my WANTS!

OH and I forgot a category--

a date
a babysitter that is local that we can trust and that can come over on weeknights (our current sitter is away at college and WE MISS HER)
a sister hazel concert
a weekend getaway to the beach
an NFL football game (2 tickets, cold weather, hot yummy coffee, and a good view--- Redskins tix preferred!)

OK, and I have to have a separate list for my kitchen---
I really really want some good EASY few ingredient cookbooks that I can "go to" on any occassion!
I want new plates (different color to go with the different color I want on my walls)
I want new cups/glassware
I want some fun kitchen gadgets
I REALLY want that collapsable strainer! That thing is positively awesome!
I'd really, also, like a stainless steal strainer, that when not being used as a strainer, would make a sweet fruit bowl on the counter!
I'd like a ziplock storage bag organizer for the pantry
I'd like some sweet serving dishes

OK really, I think my wants are getting WAY out of hand.

The only thing on this list that I really NEED, is my eyebrows waxed... post haste! Maybe I can get that done this weekend! Let's all hope that works out. I'm tired of walking around with "wooly worms" above my eyes as Danielle so sweetly pointed out. (I guess that's what a sorority sister is for!)

Carry on, OH and post your own WANTS list! :) I love reading and getting ideas! lol

My biggest WANT right now is a new home and our house to be SOLD! We are wanting to build in the near future, but we don't WANT that if it isn't what GOD has planned for us. Sometimes it is difficult to sit back and wait, to see what the Lord has in store... but I know HIS plans far out weigh our own and if we are patient and trusting He will lead us right where He wants us to be! And all in all... my desire is His will for my life!

1 comment:

Alexis Jacobs said...

I hope all your wants come true! :)