Monday, December 03, 2007

It's the Final Countdown

Yep, that's right... 10 days until delivery... unless I go sooner... which I highly doubt. I don't even know that I've dilated at all. We haven't checked, because of my scheduled c/s. I'm wondering if she'll check this week. It's my final appointment on Thursday. CRAZY, eh? :) Time is flying, and I still have a nursery to put together, clothes to find and launder, a suitcase to finish packing, Christmas presents to finish purchasing AND wrapping, and tons of baking and candy making to get done. I might actually go to my mom's in a few moments and make some of the candy I need to make. I'm making candied popcorn. It's SO yummy and so easy! I figure I'll head to the dollar store or Target or Walmart to find some goodie bags, and I'll give that to the nurses and doctors next week at the hospital. I'm needing to make chocolate dipped oreos as well. I also want to make this really cool sweet cereal mix my mom makes, everyone LOVES it... and I'd like to make some for my child's teachers and the head room mom. I have to make molasses cookies and reese cup cookies for some cookie exchanges I have on Sunday and Monday.

On a good note... I did start packing my hospital bag! (GO ME!) AND I got the cookies baked for Snack with Santa at the Princess' school this Thursday. I even got some laundry done! (BIG accomplishment for me lately.) I also got all the beds made this morning... I usually have the princess straighten her bed, but she and Mr. Perfect headed downstairs before I could bark the order!

SO, that's about it around these parts. If you are bored next Friday... Matt has to work and so does my mom... but you are welcome to come visit me in the hospital!!! I like company! Um, but wait until after 1pm, because I have to get up and get a shower and they have to remove all the stuff out of me.


Kirsten said...

Wow! I can't believe he or she is almost here!!! I can't wait to meet him or her!

We won't be here for Christmas Eve - I'm sad! - we'll be in PA visiting with Keith's mom.

We will be in Richmond on the 15th, will you still be at the hospital?

Alexis Jacobs said...

I can't believe how close you are. Too cool!!!!! Can't wait to hear all the deatils.

Michelle said...

You are almost there!! (I'm so wishing I were that close to being done!) Good luck with everything! Can't wait to hear all about it! :)