Sunday, November 25, 2007

37 weeks and 1 day

That is where I am now. 37 weeks and 1 day pregnant. WOW! Time is flying by! It's just amazing that I have known since Easter night, that I was pregnant, here we are just past Thanksgiving, and I still feel like it wasn't long ago I was finding out I am pregnant.

I'm so sore. It hurts to move. My tail bone feels crushed. My pubic bone feels crushed. Sitting hurts, standing hurts. Both, the doctor and myself, think this is going to be my biggest baby yet. She's not willing to say over 8 lbs... but I am thinking maybe so! I'm still kind of active. I go to the grocery store, I went to the mountains on our annual family trip this past Friday. I would have made it to church this morning, but I fell back to sleep after my shower (which felt like I'd run a mini-marathon). I even started putting up some Christmas decorations today. Not that I feel very Christmassy, but I'm doing it for my babies. I did some Christmas Shopping last week, and some online this weekend. I've still got a mountain of things to accomplish PRIOR to the arrival of LLBEAN.

So, as it stands right now, I'm scheduled to deliver at 12:30 noon on December 13, 2007. I will be 39 weeks and 5 days at that point. SO, if we are counting down... that's 2 weeks and 4 days from now! That will be the longest I've ever been pregnant. I delivered the Prince at 38 weeks exactly, and the Princess at just about 39 weeks. The princess was 7 lbs 5 oz., the prince was 7 lbs 7 oz. I gained 16 lbs with the Princess and 20 lbs with the Prince. This pregnancy? I've gained 6.5 lbs, thus far. I'm excited to see how big this baby will be. I'm also excited to find out, who has been calling my tummy home!

I'm awfully nervous this go round. I'm worried about the Prince and his reaction. I'm worried about Matt's ski trip, so soon after the birth and my surgery. I'm worried about the epidural. I'm worried about my recovery. I'm worried about making sure Christmas is good to go! I know I need to let go of the worry. It doesn't help at all. SO, I'm going to try and concentrate on letting go of the worry this week, and just getting things accomplished!

This week, Matthew and I go see Sister Hazel on Thursday night. I'm looking forward to it, but am a little apprehensive, because the venue does not have chairs/seats anywhere... and I don't know if I can handle 2 hours of straight standing. If I get near the stage, hopefully they'll have a fence or gate or something up, that I can lean on. Just say a little prayer that my water does NOT break while we are at the show!!! It's 2 hours away from home... and that's if there is no traffic!!!

Wednesday is a non stress test, ultrasound and doctor's appointment. Let's hop all goes well! :)


Alexis Jacobs said...

You are coming down the home stretch. It is only normal to be worried. But it WILL all be okay. Have fun at the concert!!

Michelle said...

You are getting so close girl! Hang in there! Good luck with everything! :)