Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Is it REALLY Christmas?  You wouldn't know it at my house.  I'm the only one awake.  Mom and Dad just called.  They are packing the car and heading over.  I'll wake the masses when they arrive.  Although, I think Wils is beginning to stir.  I've got to hold him off until they get here and I get his siblings up.

Who ever thought that 8:40 on Christmas Morning children would still be sleeping?  My kids love their sleep.  Thats for sure!  Too funny.  OK, well, Merry Christmas.  Enjoy your day with your family or friends, and remember to give Praises to the King and maybe sing a little HAPPY BIRTHDAY to him! ;)

1 comment:

Mattigan said...

That was one present on my list! Mmmmmm Sleep! Thanks children! Marry Crossmas!