Monday, September 01, 2008

It's time...

Lunch has been packed in a new purple lunch bag. Snack has been packed in a second purple lunch bag. Her backpack with purple butterflies is sitting on the kitchen chair, waiting for her to find it. Papers have been signed. Clothes are ready to be put on in the morning. Shoes are waiting by the front door.

It's time. It's finally arrived. The day I have been so excited about, yet so in fear of, has come. My baby girl is starting Kindergarten, in a public school! I so wanted to home school. However, I know I am not organized enough to bring that to fruition, so it is up to the public schools now, to educate my daughter.

We've met the teacher. She's sweet as pie. We've seen the classroom. We've seen her cubby. We've dropped off school supplies. We've found the library and the cafeteria. There is nothing left to do, but to take my baby to the school in the morning. Take her there, open the car door, and watch her walk into the school like a big girl. Her life is going to change tomorrow. Her innocence will be somewhat changed.

This is the little baby who was determined NOT to come into this world by natural means, no matter what mommy did to help it along. This is the cute bald baby that would just grin at me while she was nursing. This is the sweet little girl who knew how to spell her name by the time she was 18 months old. This is the little girl who stayed by my side when I was pregnant and could scarcely get out of bed. This is the little girl who wanted a sister so badly and told everyone else that I was going to have a girl, and I did. This is the little girl who suddenly has grown up way too fast. This is my baby girl. This is my daughter that I wanted with all my heart. This is my littler girl who is growing increasingly more independent by the moment.

We've read the rules on conduct. We've talked about respecting people. We've discussed not trading food or taking food from others. We've had the chat I didn't think would come until much later... Do NOT accept medicine or pills or anything from anyone else at school and tell a teacher IMMEDIATELY if someone offers those things to you! Oh my! I don't know that I am ready for this. However, there isn't much I can do about it. My baby girl is starting Kindergarten.

So, if you have a moment tomorrow, and you think about it. Please say a prayer for me, that I would not be an emotional wreck and that I am positive and encouraging. And pray for my baby girl, that she not be scared, that she not get lost, that no one will offer her anything unsavory, that she will not be harrassed by any other students, that she won't drive her teacher crazy, that she'll remember to sit in her seat, that she'll be a team player, that she'll be sweet and remember her manners, that she'll have FUN! And pray, that she will miss me just a little bit, so that when she sees me in the afternoon, there to pick her up, that she will be happy to see me and ready to tell me all about her exciting new experiences.

I'm so excited for her, but so scared, and so not ready for this. She also starts t-ball tomorrow night. Her cousin Dawson, and best friend, Kiersten are also on her team. It should be a long, but hopefully FUN day tomorrow.


Kirsten said...

YAY for Meagan!! I am so excited for her and so anxious for you. Your post almost made me cry! I can't believe she is old enough to go to school....holy cow, where have the years gone??!!

I hope she has a wonderful day and I hope that you are OK. I know this is going to be hard for you, but it's so exciting too! Please post pictures or send them to me!! I can't wait to see them!!

Keep us updated. Love you!

Katie said...

What a big deal for her AND you!! I hope that it went well and look forward to hearing more about it. It's so hard for us mommas to let go...
Love to you and your family!

Michelle said...

So bittersweet! Your post DID make me cry! I'm a cry baby though! :)

I hope that the week has gone well and all of you are adjusting! Can't wait to hear about all the fun school adventures!

Alexis Jacobs said...

Such a bittersweet day. I am so glad that Maegan did well. And mommy too. :)