Monday, December 17, 2007

Introducing the newest Princess!

Mia Juliet
8 lbs 6 oz
20 1/2 inches long
Born 12/13/2007 1:42 pm


Michelle said...

Oh yay!! A sweet baby girl!!

Congratulations! Mia is absolutely beautiful! Hope you are all adjusting well! :)

Alexis Jacobs said...

Beautiful, just like her mama :-) Congrats again Lisa!

PaulickFam said...

Congratulations, she is very beautiful. Have a wonderful holiday season with your new bundle of joy.

Unknown said...

She is so pretty!!! She actually looks different to me than what M did when she was born. She'll still probably grow up looking just like her. You have such beautiful children. Congrats, Lisa, and love ya lots!

Katie said...

A very belated congratulations! I hope that these early weeks are treating you all well.
Happy New Year!