Sunday, August 26, 2007

It's only been a few hours...

But I'm going CRAZY! Mr. Perfect left today for a trip to good old Chicago. Second trip this summer. First was with church, this one is with work. This time he's alone in the big city. I sure wish Val and Neil could get up there to see him, I know he'd enjoy that, HOWEVER, I know they are busy bees! I hate it when he goes. It sucks. My kids seem to KNOW that he's leaving too, and their behavior changes. My sister stayed with the children this morning while I took him to the airport. My sister and I got in a little before 3am from a bachelorette party. He had to be at the airport by 5:30. *YAWN* As we are about to leave, I hear the Princess say... "DADDY?" then we heard nothing more, so I went to my sister's room and said, DEE, listen out for Maegs I think she is waking up. SO, I get home from the airport, and I hear Little Man screaming and the Princess is talking away. So I go up to my room and all three are laying in my bed. My sister tells me that the Princess came into my room looking for Matt and I and when she couldn't find us, started SCREAMING, thus waking up the Little Man. So, it was not even 6am, and everyone in my house was AWAKE.

Little Man screamed until nearly 7am. At this point, I finally fell asleep on the sofa for a bit, while Little Man played quietly in the living room. When I woke up, he was fussy again, so I put him down for an early nap. I decided to take a nap as well. The Princess was watching a video with her sleeping Aunt DeeDee. I snoozed hard, and then I heard it. The Princess was wailing! She woke up Little Man... again. Only this time, it was because she couldn't get the dvd player to do what she wanted it to do. I'm just about to throw the dvd player out the window. Dee and I get it working again and I run up to get Little Man. He wants to play in his room, so I go lay on the bed and let him play. He brings me toys and talks to me, and then sits down to read some books to himself, and I fell slam asleep.

I am woken up by my sister telling me she is heading on. She has to get back to her home 2 hours away and find child care for her son, because she goes back to work tomorrow. Nothing like waiting until last minute to find child care in the big city! I hope she has an arm and a leg to spare!

Little Man and I head downstairs and I check on Mr. Perfect's flights, he's arrived. I haven't heard from him... wanna know why? I'll tell you... #1, he probably hasn't tried to call yet... he's not so Perfect on that angle. He loses track of time so easily, and the phone just never seems to occur to him. and #2, if he HAS tried to call, he can't get me. Why? Oh, well, I was a little grumpy with no sleep at 6 o'clock this morning, and when I tried to call his cell, he didn't answer, so what do you do when your husband doesn't answer his phone when you think he should? YOU CHUCK YOUR PHONE ACROSS THE ROOM INTO THE COFFEE TABLE... oh yes, temper temper! My phone broke into several small pieces. I've fitted most of them back together, but one piece is still missing. Once I find that, we'll see if the phone will work. If not, then I'm screwed as that is also our home phone.

So, I'm pretty miserable. I just wish he wasn't gone. I hate it when he travels. I'm thankful it isn't any longer than it is... but I sure wish they could get him home on Tuesday night, Wednesday just seems so far away. I know I'm fortunate, his trips are usually short, but I still hate it. I don't like being away from him.

He and Princess will be traveling the day after Christmas. That is 20 days after the birth of our new baby. Little Man, LLBEAN and I will be moving in with my parents on Christmas Eve, because I will still not be able to lift Little Man. Princess and Mr. Perfect are headed out to MT to go skiing with my in laws. They will be gone nearly 2 weeks. I am glad I will have my parents with me, but at the same time, I'll be miserable without my Princess and Mr. Perfect. It will be the first New Years Eve in 11 years that we have not spent together. I'm trying not to be bitter and sad... but who knows how I'll be at the time with the post pardom hormones raging.

I much prefer family travel. I wish I could have gone on this trip with him... but, no could do, not with the new baby coming and finances being what they are because of our stupid heat pump problem and the electric bills that caused. $1500 this summer in cooling (or not actually, but trying to cool) and then in repairs... That's more than the crib, mattress, and new dresser would have cost. *sigh* At least it is fixed, right?

OK, I'm ready for Wednesday to get here!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I do wish we could have seen him :( Did he have a good trip? Time is just going too fast. It's unreal to me that it's almost October already. Sigh...