Friday, August 10, 2007

It has been brought to my attention...

By the only person that reads my blogs (thanks Val, I love you!)... that I have not updated since my ultrasound the other day. I GAINED A CRAP LOAD OF WEIGHT! Well, OK so I'm 21 weeks and I've gained 6 lbs, I guess that isn't THAT bad, but still. OH and I'll be 22 weeks tomorrow! :)

The ultrasound went very well. We have a wiggly one in there! :D S/He is growing on target ... 12 oz, and is measuring 2 days behind, which they say is in the margin of error, so that's all good news. It has a 50th percentile head measurement (so did Little Man and the Princess). I watched the whole ultrasound. Matthew was NOT thrilled about that. He was afraid I'd see something and know what we are having... but until they pointed out the head from the abdomen, I didn't know at which end I was looking. I did not see anything to sway me one way or another! I still feel like it is a boy, because that's what all the Chinese Gender Prediction charts say. Maegan swears it is a girl. We will find out on Dec. 6! :D

We were unable to get a clear view of the heart, because LLBean decided that S/He wanted to roll over and curl up. We were able to see the heart pumping, but couldn't get in close enough to see the chambers. I will go back on Aug. 17 (The Princess' 4th birthday) and have another ultrasound. HOPEFULLY, we will get a great shot of the heart, and hopefully the tech will give me some better shots of LLBean... the last one we got 2 of the spine and only one semi clear one of the face. I hope LLBean is more cooperative this time.

LLBean is an ACTIVE little one. The movements are getting bigger and more frequent. S/He moves a lot during the day, and only a little at night. All three of my babies have been like this. I'm thankful... because I need my sleep.

All in all, I'm doing well. I'm tired, and it's too hot here, but soon enough it will be chilly here and I won't be able to get warm, so I'm not going to complain too much about this hot weather. I'm just going to enjoy what is left of summer, because all too soon, Princess goes back to school, we celebrate all the fall birthdays and then the Holidays are in full effect and I deliver a baby. WOW... There is so much to be done. I sure wish VAL could make a trip down this way and help me get the nursery all set up (You've got to see Val's decorating ability, AMAZING)...

Anyway, if you want to see our bedding, it's by Tadpoles. It's black and white toile. We chose a black crib and dresser. The walls of the nursery are green, and I just think the toile will really make the room pop! Once we know if it is Luke or Lily in there, we will eventually change the bedding (when the baby is about 6 months) IF it is Luke. If it is Lily, we will keep the toile and then really priss up the room with a chandelier and some snazzy french decorating ideas.

Now, we just have to find the money to PURCHASE the crib and dresser and bedding! The car seat is being purchased by my in-laws, which I appreciate tremendously!

OH and if you want to make a guess about LLBEAN... please go here: baby guesses!


Unknown said...

What a great report!! So if it's a he, it's Luke, and if it's a she, it's Lily? I loooooove the name Lily. Precious! Luke is great, too. We have 2 cousins named Luke! :)

Maybe I will see you in Sept?? :)

And thanks for saying I have amazing decorating abilities. Made my day!! (I don't think it's so true!)

Alexis Jacobs said...

Hey now i read your blog :) Sounds liek an awesome appointment!